Eight stations are distributed on the revolution disc by 45 degree. The revolution motor rotates 90 degree each time to bring two work-pieces to the gluing nozzle. Auto-revolution motor drives two work-pieces rotating in average spe" />


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Round Glue Dispensing Machine

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JD-80 Eight-station Round Glue Dispensing Machine

Principle Description
Eight stations are distributed on the revolution disc by 45 degree. The revolution motor rotates 90 degree each time to bring two work-pieces to the gluing nozzle. Auto-revolution motor drives two work-pieces rotating in average spe

Principle Description

Eight stations are distributed on the revolution disc by 45 degree. The revolution motor rotates 90 degree each time to bring two work-pieces to the gluing nozzle. Auto-revolution motor drives two work-pieces rotating in average speed to achieve evenly glue coating.

Machine Features
♦Floor stand design with caster, the machine is stable and easy to move;
♦Eight stations work in cycle with two glue dispensing system, the designed capacity is 1500~2000pcs/h;
♦Equipped work piece detector to decide gluing or skip for each system;
♦ Gluing track can be set as full circle, single point or segmented arc etc.
♦ Working mode can be two-station, four-station or eight-station;
♦It is easy to learn and operate with touch screen and buttons, for different glue with different settings ensure the best performance.
Suitable Glue:
300ml/2600ml single-component package for silicone, thermal-conductive silicone grease, UV glue, AB glue etc.
Round lights, such as LED bulbs, candle light, T8 glass tube cap, round panel light, PAR light etc.


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