Based on the dimension of the product to design fixture, the motor drives the fixture to rotate for designed gluing track" />


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Round Glue Dispensing Machine

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JD-10 Single Station Round Glue Dispensing Machine

Principle Description
Based on the dimension of the product to design fixture, the motor drives the fixture to rotate for designed gluing track

Principle Description

Based on the dimension of the product to design fixture, the motor drives the fixture to rotate for designed gluing track
Machine Features
♦Specially designed for large size round products;
♦ Gluing track can be set as full circle, single point, segmented arc etc.;
♦Equipped unique suck-back valve to guarantee fast glue flow and no drops or leakage;
♦It is easy to learn and operate with touch screen and buttons, for different glue with different settings ensure the best performance;
Suitable Glue:
300ml/2600ml single-component package for silicone, thermal-conductive silicone grease, UV glue, AB glue etc.
Big size round lights, such as LED round panel light, outdoor wall light, yard lamp, lawn lamp, PAR light, mine light etc.
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